It has quite literally been a year. And in this year, a number of things happened. But, chiefly amongst these things, some films were released. And chiefly amongst these films, some of them were good. Some of them were very good. Very, very good indeed.
Of course, this happens every year, even if 2014 was notably just for the quantity of greatness.It was a really good year, the kind of year that makes me glad the Grand Owen Awards were formed in a moment of self-indulgence back in 2012. Yes, that's right- This is the third year of the Grand Owen Awards, and to celebrate, we're doing exactly the same thing as usual, and announcing the results!
The final say on awards comes from the One-Man jury, but, the one man naturally has a wandering opinion, and so must stand by his choices, which includes not giving Oscar Isaac a nomination for Inside Llewyn Davis. The absolute fool. There's a fair chance he would have won.
As such, this makes the awards the most genuine out there. No harboring, no voting for the consensus, no pretending you've seen stuff when you haven't. Just one man, who sat through 200 films released in 2014, presenting the cream of the crop. These are the awards the actors, directors and writers alike really want to win. The Oscars are just a formality.