This evening, I signed up on Klout. For those unaware, Klout is a website that measures your social media standings and not only gives you a score based on it, but also offers you areas in which you are supposedly 'influential' and tells you who has not only the biggest influence on you, but also who you influence yourself. While this all sounded like rubbish to me, it quickly turned into a strangely compelling way to measure myself against the world. For instance, according to Klout, I'm only 13 points less influencial than Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Whilst I might be more likely to actually reduce tuition fees, the ludicrousness of the system cannot be denied and was brought into further disrepute (That's not the word I'm looking for, but I'll use it anyway as nobody ever reads this.) when looking at the topics on which I am influential. Apparently, people look to me as a beacon of Park-related understand. Yes, parks. After much musing I could only conclude that it must be my constant abuse of Mr. Daniel Arthur Parks of Scotland & the Cardiff Blues, yet I wouldn't say it's enough of a heckling to win me such status amongst the top anti-kicking fly-half ranks.
Here, in full, are my first Klout areas of influence in order. See if you agree with any of them- (I'm talking to myself again. Need to stop doing that.)
Eurovision Song Contest
Yes, I'm influential over homework. When kids all over the world look to go and sigh as they slowly answer times tables questions, they think of me and my almighty power over their opinions on the subject. Money & Politics, too. Well, I am also on a par with Nick Clegg...
But anyway, as the topic of this particular post hasn't shown, I'm going to MAKE myself influential in areas in which I see fit. The first is Hull, simply because I thought it would be funny to claim "Yes, I'm very influential in Hull" and watch people cower/gawp as they expect me to teach them the way of the back alley slashing. Instead, I tell them that I just tweeted the word a few times. Oh, how funny it would be.
I'm also currently only rated 41. I want to overtake Nick Clegg before the year is out. And I shall do this through tweeting about Hull. This Klout melarky is nonsense. But I'm really rather enjoying it...